Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hair extentions for wedding day?

I have short to medium hair and I want my hair long so it can be styled pulled half back with a veil on the back as well. Trouble is my hair grows way to slow and my wedding is in October. Should I try extensions for my big day? How do they work? Glued, sewn? What do you think, will it work?

Hair extentions for wedding day?

I'm getting extention for my wedding too. if you are getting it sewn do it 3-5 days before the big day. since you have not gotten it before it will hurt. so get it in early so by the time your wedding come your scalp will be more comfortable for the styling the day of the wedding.

if you are getting it glue which is what im doing and alot easier and less painfull, you can get it done the day of the wedding and it will look more real since there wont be any buldge from the braids you get when the sew it. so glue is much better and easier to take off.

you will look beautifull. congrats

Hair extentions for wedding day?

Go with extensions. Warning you though, it takes a long time to get all the pieces in so get them done a day or two before the wedding . Usually they're glued in. Extensions look good when they're done right.

Hair extentions for wedding day?

That's great idea. Make sure you do it professionally and at least a few days before the D day to kind break it in. It takes hours to get a professional extension done. Plus it's expensive to do so. They're weaved to your roots. Pretty cool how they do it. Good luck.

Hair extentions for wedding day?

There are three types of extensions. They can be glued in, sewn in, or you can buy ones that are attached to combs and can be slid into your hair.

I have the combs since I have lost alot of my hair bieng sick but don't need a wig. A talented hair dresser (or you with practice) can easily put in and remove these without the combs bieng seen at all. Mine are made of real hair and can be styled, dyed, etc. just like real hair. We got them from the beauty supply store like a Sally's. It was 50 for a pack of 8 that was four feet long and we trimmed them to the length I wanted.

If you are going to go with the weave (sewn) or the glued I would go with the sewn ones simply because I have seen alot of women with damaged hair from the glued ones. Talk to your stylist and see what she reccomends for your hair type. Both those types are expensive and do take a while to put in so shower the afternoon before and have them put in that afternoon or evening. You won't want to wash your hair with the extentions in.

Whichever you choose make sure you have it removed before the honeymoon. You really can't do a lot of water activities like swimming in the ocean with extentions in without them starting to look pretty bad.

Hair extentions for wedding day?

you still have time to test them both out. try each of them to see which you like the best. because the wedding isn't until October, do one for one month, and then try the other after that. I do know that the glued is usually less expensive and does not last as long as the sewn. if you are going somewhere with lots of water for your honeymoon, paying the extra for the sewn might be worth the money.

Hair extentions for wedding day?

I have started using extensions because my hair grows out faster when I'm not putting heat and things on it daily. The others are right in that gluing them is easier and less expensive. You just need to match your hair type and take the hair with you to your stylist. I recommend human hair just because it's easier to work with and looks more realistic. The sewing just depends on the person you get them done by. There are much less bulky ways to get it attached to your hair now but it will take longer and be more expensive. Be sure ask your stylist about the right products to use on your honeymoon and general maintenance of the hair if you are nervous. I haven't used the clips but they are the easiest method and the easist to remove.

Hair extentions for wedding day?

They make extensions that you can clip in! I used them for my wedding and my hair looked great... I got them for $80 at one of those hair booths at the mall.

Hair extentions for wedding day?

At first I wanted extensions but I thought they were a little pricey and sounded like a pain to have put in. So instead I bought clip in hair extensions and used them in an updo, it worked perfectly. I am sure it would work great with a half up style too. I bought them at a beauty supply store. Make sure to buy ones made with real hair close to your real color. That way you can have them dyed to match your own hair. Also someone told me to take prenatal vitamins to make my hair grow faster. I figured that it couldn't hurt. To tell you the truth though I don't even know if they helped. Good Luck!

Hair extentions for wedding day?

I just bought the "Hair-Do" clip in extensions from Jessica Simpson and Ken Paves, and i LOVE them!!! It's comfortable, the perfect color and length, and the hair is already curled, so I wont have much styling to do on my wedding day! If you go to a salon, you will pay over $100 for them, so I suggest doing what I did, and buying them on ebay. I bought mine brand new in the box for $59.99. Hope that helps!

Hair extentions for wedding day?

A friend of mine did and all was fine

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