Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hair extensions how do they work and where can I find them???

I am thinking about putting extensions in my hair for my wedding and then styling my hair because my hair is medium length and would go up but it is so thin!!! I hate my thin hair!! I need suggestions on hairstyles for my wedding as well as where I can find great hair extensions and if my stylist can even style hair extensions...i know nothing about them!!! HELP!

Hair extensions how do they work and where can I find them???

i have extensions and they are great, best to go to a salon that specialises in this though, they are difficult to look after and take hours of work, however inmy opinion are so worth it. only get real hair and never let anyone apply them with glue, they need to be stitched in. you can get thickness and length, my salon colour match 24 hours before my appointment and the process takes about 4 hours, hope that helps a little

Hair extensions how do they work and where can I find them???

I love em! Many beauty supply stores sell all types of extensions. And you stylists can bond, sew or clip them inot your hair.

Hair extensions how do they work and where can I find them???

I was just at my friends last night asking her the same thing(she does hair). My hair is really thin, medium lenght as well. She said I should have them sown in not glued casue that will ruin my hair if they are glued in. she would make a small, tight braid underneath and sow them in with a hair neadle. She said to use real hair cause if i use fake i cant wash it.As far as where to find them. google it for your town or surrounding areas. the hair will cost about $50.00. now if you go to a salon and have them do it...way more money. Dont have them glued in if your hair is thin. Or just go the cheap route..curl it yourself, get a clip and where it up, or where it down. I have the same problems with my hair. Or take a shower the night before..let it get almost dry then take one side of your hair(not all of it, just on top) and braid it, then do the other side then do all of the back, pull back in a ponytail and go to sleep, in the morning take it all out and it will be wavy(very cute)..good luck.

Hair extensions how do they work and where can I find them???

I use the clip in ones from hairextensions.com. You get a color ring to match the color and order it. So many styles to pick from. I like the easiextend ones. I like the fact that I can take it out at night. A lot of people tell me getting them glued or sewn in gets to be an annoying. Hope this helps.

Hair extensions how do they work and where can I find them???

We carry ALL types of hair extensions


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