Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Do you know if they offer hair dressers on cruises i am going one one for my sisters wedding?

I have no idea how to style my own hair. I need a hair dresses i fi have to i guess since her wedding is once we get on the cruise i guess i can go to one b4 but i am affaird of ruining my hair on the way to the boat

Do you know if they offer hair dressers on cruises i am going one one for my sisters wedding?

All cruise ships have haridressers on board. You have to book like you would normally. Can usually get facials and make-up as well.

Do you know if they offer hair dressers on cruises i am going one one for my sisters wedding?

yes, and very good ones too!

Do you know if they offer hair dressers on cruises i am going one one for my sisters wedding?

Yes they do.

Do you know if they offer hair dressers on cruises i am going one one for my sisters wedding?

yes they have very good hairdressers on board but you do have to pay them!

Do you know if they offer hair dressers on cruises i am going one one for my sisters wedding?

Yes they do, but they are more expensive than going to a regular salon.

Do you know if they offer hair dressers on cruises i am going one one for my sisters wedding?

They do on most, it depends on which cruise liner you are going on, P%26amp;O do offer hairdressers.

Do you know if they offer hair dressers on cruises i am going one one for my sisters wedding?

Well most wedding have there own hair dresser to do their hair, I don't know if she is going on the cruise with you all or if you all have a hair dresser, But most cruises have everything on the boat, after all if they can have a casino, they can have anything.

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